Tina Harris MS, NP-C, AOCNP
In early 2020, the Trump administration rolled out a Medicaid block grant program, where states apply to received capped federal funding and have new flexibility to dictate coverage and benefits. Tennessee's application is a telling example of how health benefits for the most vulnerable populations have the potential to change drastically.
Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on 2017 National Health Expenditure Accounts data from CMS, Office of the Actuary; The Kaiser Family Foundation, Medicaid in the United States Fact Sheet, October 2019. http://files.kff.org/attachment/fact-sheet-medicaid-state-US
The Facts on Medicare Spending and Financing https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/the-facts-on-medicare-spending-and-financing/
Trump Administration Announces Transformative Medicaid Healthy Adult Opportunity https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/trump-administration-announces-transformative-medicaid-healthy-adult-opportunity
Trump Administration Clears The Way For Medicaid Block Grants https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/30/800841612/trump-administration-offers-states-a-way-to-block-grant-medicaid