Submission Portal
Manuscripts submitted to be considered for publication in JADPRO should be uploaded to our online submission platform, ScholarOne. Click on the button below to begin the submission process.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology (JADPRO) is to improve the quality of care for patients with cancer, support critical issues in advanced practice in oncology, and recognize the expanding contributions of advanced practitioners in oncology. The essential objectives of JADPRO are:
- To publish topics across the cancer trajectory for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, advanced degree nurses, and pharmacists
- To support professional development of the advanced practitioner in oncology
- To promote interprofessional collaboration
- To uphold the highest ethical and professional standards
- To provide information that will enhance the quality of care for the patient with cancer
Journal Scope
The focus of JADPRO is to provide relevant clinical information aimed at broadening the knowledge base of the advanced practitioner (AP) in oncology, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, advanced degree nurses, and pharmacists. Therefore, language should be inclusive of the advanced practitioner as much as possible. In addition to this, it is encouraged to include a section of the article titled “Implications for Oncology Advanced Practitioners.”
JADPRO is the official journal of the Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology. It is published online and in print 6 times a year: Jan/Feb, March/April, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, and Nov/Dec.
Overview of Submission Process
- Submission in ScholarOne
- Step 1: Type, Title, and Abstract
- Step 2: File Upload
- Step 3: Attributes
- Step 4: Authors and Institutions
- Step 5: Reviewers
- Step 6: Details and Comments
- Step 7: Review and Submit
- Initial review by the editors and editor-in-chief
- Manuscript is sent to at least 2 peer reviewers for double-blind peer review
- A decision is sent of Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject
- If the decision is Accept, Minor Revision, or Major Revision, then a timeframe will be given for revision of the paper.
- Upon final acceptance, the article will be scheduled for publication. Editorial decisions on when articles are scheduled to be published are based on priority, order of submission, diversity of topics, and available space within each issue.
Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts are considered for publication in JADPRO. Manuscripts will be accepted for review if the content has not previously been published and is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal. Articles following previously presented material may be submitted with an accompanying descriptive statement. The decision to publish any type of article is the sole responsibility of the editors.
- All articles are to be submitted electronically in manuscript format as indicated by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced in 11–12 pt font with margins of no less than 1 inch
- Manuscripts should be submitted in Word documents with a .doc or .docx extension
- All nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms must be defined on first mention
- Both generic and trade names of pharmaceuticals should be provided on first mention of generic name [e.g., trastuzumab (Herceptin)]; thereafter the generic name should be used
- Articles must be accompanied by a title page and an abstract (250-word limit) summarizing the content and implications of the article
- There are no associated fees with submitting or publishing in JADPRO.
Title Page
The title page should include:
- The specific, brief title of the paper
- Full names and credentials of all authors (in order), their primary affiliations, and academic and clinical appointments
- The primary author’s contact information (city, state, mailing address, telephone, fax numbers, and email address) should be provided to allow correspondence between the author and editors during the submission and peer review process.
Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications. Authorship also implies responsibility and accountability for published work. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses require structured abstracts. The abstract should provide the context or background for the study and should state the study’s purpose, basic procedures (selection of study participants, settings, measurements, analytical methods), main findings (giving specific effect sizes and their statistical and clinical significance, if possible), and principal conclusions. It should emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations, note important limitations, and not overinterpret findings.
Tables, Figures, and Illustrations
Authors are encouraged to include tables, figures, photos, illustrations, and artwork to elaborate on or emphasize key concepts, and to add visual interest.
All tables, figures, photos, and illustrations should be submitted at the end of the manuscript, each on a separate page, and numbered consecutively as they appear in text.
Tables, figures, and illustrations must be accompanied by a succinct but thorough explanatory legend. Figures should be high-resolution (300 dpi) .jpg, .tiff, .png or .eps files, and may be in black-and-white or color.
The author must receive permissions for previously published or copyrighted non-original material or photographs, which should be included with the manuscript at submission. Permissions must be granted with signatures from an entity with authority to grant said permission. In certain cases, permission may be submitted after the article is accepted. Please contact the editorial offices of the journal to discuss such a case and possible exceptions.
Articles must be well-referenced with a balance of primary and secondary sourced references that are cited at least once within the text and listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript.
References should be in APA (7th Ed) format. Authors are responsible to verify the accuracy of all reference citations within the text and with tables and figures. Include the digital object identifier (DOI) for each reference, if available.
Articles with references not in APA format may be rejected.
Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure
The Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology requires all authors to complete the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Authors must list any payments received (by the author or author’s institution) from a third party for any aspect of the submitted work. These payments include but are not limited to grant support; consulting fees or honoraria; travel support; fees for participation in review activities such as data monitoring boards, statistical analysis, endpoint committees; payment for writing or reviewing the manuscript; provision of writing assistance, medicines, equipment, or administrative support. In addition, authors are required to disclose relevant financial activities outside the submitted work, i.e., financial relationships (regardless of amount of compensation) that were present during the 36 months prior to submission, including but not limited to honoraria for board membership, consultancy, employment, payment for expert testimony, grants, payment for lectures and speakers bureaus, payment for manuscript preparation, patents, royalties, payment for development of educational presentations, stock/stock options, travel and meeting expenses. If no conflict of interest is present, authors must still complete the ICMJE form. The published article will include a disclosure statement that will feature information from the ICMJE form. If there is a need for confidentiality, the author should explain this in a written statement to the Editor. Conflicts that cannot be appropriately resolved will result in rejection of the manuscript. Undisclosed conflicts may result in published statements of retraction and removal of a manuscript from the archived journal table of contents.
Any involvement of medical writers/researchers in the writing of an article must be clearly defined and disclosed in the Acknowledgement and Disclosure sections as appropriate. This type of involvement must also be disclosed to the editor-in-chief in the cover letter.
The author will be prompted to download and complete required forms during the manuscript submission process or the form can be downloaded at
Presubmission Inquiry
Authors are invited to submit a presubmission inquiry to the editors at if they would like feedback on if their work fits the scope of the journal.
Manuscripts that are considered by the editor-in-chief and editors to not be under the scope of JADPRO will be rejected without full peer review.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
JADPRO is committed to promoting and supporting education, awareness, and discussion on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in oncology. Members of the DEI committee of APSHO have created a helpful guide for writers to develop their manuscript with a DEI lens.
Online First
JADPRO has launched an online first program, where following positive peer review and acceptance of the manuscript, the article will be copyedited, proofed, and published online in an expedited timeframe. Print publication is not guaranteed for online first articles.
Artificial Intelligence
AI-based tools and technologies include but are not limited to large language models, generative AI, and chatbots. In order to maintain the highest standards of publication, JADPRO has established guidelines regarding the use of AI in articles submitted for consideration.
- Human authors must be heavily involved in the writing process and are ultimately accountable for the content of the work.
- AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as an author or co-author, or be cited as an author.
- AI tools used to assist with grammar, spelling, formatting, and reference clean up do not need to be disclosed.
- JADPRO does not accept Editorial, Grand Rounds, Diagnostic Snapshot, or other submissions in departments focused on author opinion or perspective that have used AI to generate text.
- Where authors use AI in research such as data acquisition or analysis, it must be disclosed in the Methods section, with the version number, date accessed, and manufacturer name described, along with the Disclosure section.
- Where authors use AI to create graphics, the role of AI in creating the graphic must be specified in the legend.
- Reviewers may not use AI tools when reviewing work for peer review
Information About Peer Review for Authors
All articles submitted to JADPRO are initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors for relevance to the readership.
Acceptance of all manuscripts is based on double-blind, peer review by two or more reviewers.
Manuscripts are reviewed for key concepts (e.g., topic relevance, importance to field of oncology, appropriateness of content for advanced practitioners, originality, quality and completeness of work, clarity, and priority of the article to the journal and JADPRO readership).
Manuscripts that have passed initial screening by the Editors are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and/or other experts in the field. The Editors select reviewers and make the final decision on the manuscript. Reviewers remain unknown to the authors. Every manuscript is treated by the Editors and reviewers as privileged information, and they are instructed to exclude themselves from review of any manuscript that may involve a conflict of interest or the appearance of such.
Information for Peer Reviewers
Peer reviewers play an integral role in scholarly publishing. Peer review feedback is indispensable in both helping authors revise manuscripts and assisting editors assess the suitability of a manuscript for publication.
Oncology advanced practitioners interested in peer reviewing for JADPRO can contact jadpro-editor@conexiant. In order to best match a peer reviewer’s area of expertise with a manuscript under consideration, peer reviewers are asked to provide a CV, short biography, and keywords on expertise (e.g., breast cancer, oral chemotherapy, survivorship).
Once these are received, an account will be created for the peer reviewer on ScholarOne, and the peer reviewer will be contacted if there are any manuscripts that match the reviewer’s specialties. Reviewers can reference our Information for Peer Reviewers guide.
Reviewers are expected to convey their criticisms and recommendations in a respectful, professional manner. Comments that disparage authors personally or target a specific race, gender, or ethnicity for criticism are unacceptable. Reviews including such remarks will have those remarks removed and such a review may be withdrawn by the editor.
Article Types
All word counts are exclusive of title, abstracts, figures, illustrations, photos, and references.
Review Articles
Review articles are approximately 3000–4500 words (10–15 journal pages). Review articles must include an abstract of approximately 150–200 words. Review articles should be comprehensive and include an introduction and discussion relevant to the AP.
Research & Scholarship
Research & Scholarship articles are approximately 1800–3000 words (6–10 journal pages). They are further divided into Quality Improvement and Original Research articles. Features include original and translational research articles relevant to the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer; symptom management; or improvement in clinical practice.
The abstract of a research article should include:
- The context or background for the study.
- The study’s purpose, i.e., why the study was done.
- Methods/procedures (selection of study participants, settings, measurements, analytical methods).
- Main findings, giving specific effect sizes and their statistical and clinical significance, if possible.
- Main conclusions and interpretation of findings with emphasis on new and important aspects of the study and/or observations.
A research article should include:
- Background (Context, Setting, Aim, Goal)
- Provide what is known about the research/project or current cases
- Present why this is relevant or important to the oncology advanced practitioner audience
- Methods (Intervention, Approach, Procedure, Design, Framework)
- Describe the study design, setting, subjects, data collection, and data analysis
- Clearly identify the governing board for approval
- Results (Findings, Outcomes, Discoveries)
- A clear, precise, and objective presentation of main findings
- For every method provided, there should be a corresponding results
- Conclusions (Summary, Evaluation, Interpretation)
- Provide a final summary, main findings in the context of the objectives, and suggestions for applications of the findings
- Incorporate what the work has contributed to the literature
- Discuss strengths and limitations, along with future directions
Statements regarding human subject approval, if relevant, must be included. Institutional Review Board approval or exemption should be noted.
JADPRO considers only trials that have been registered before submission and the onset of patient enrollment. Acceptable registries must be ICMJE-approved, such as Registration number and name of the trial registry must be provided.
Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds articles are approximately 1500–2400 words (5–8 journal pages). A Grand Rounds article is a shorter but complete review article with a relevant case study describing the patient by demographics, current issues and diagnoses, treatments, interventions, general course of action, and outcomes. Grand Rounds articles should include a discussion, and graphics such as photos or diagnostic tests may be added to enhance the case. The entire case study should appear in the beginning of the article, yet can and should be revisited in the body of the paper, as it relates to the surrounding discussion. All patient information should be de-identified to protect patient anonymity.
Practice Matters
Practice Matters articles are approximately 1000–1500 words (3–5 journal pages). Articles for this feature may highlight topics pertinent to the clinical practice or professional development of APs. For example, an article might feature a discussion of legislative issues pertinent to APs, new programs instituted in practice to assist the AP, quality metrics, or patient education models.
Considerations in Prescribing
Previously titled "Prescriber’s Corner," these articles are generally 1000–1500 words (3–5 journal pages). The article is intended to review a class of drugs or provide a single drug update for informed prescribing. It should provide a comprehensive review of a pharmaceutical relevant to oncology care, including drug class, indication, mechanism of action, pivotal trials, method of administration, side effects, interactions, and implications for the AP.
Diagnostic Snapshot
Diagnostic Snapshot articles are generally 1000-1200 words (2 journal pages) focusing on a diagnostic challenge (e.g., unusual cases, imaging, signs/symptoms or lab findings) and one image is required. Images may include photos, lab findings, radiographic images, or other graphics. The article includes history, the diagnostic challenge, physical exam findings, differential diagnosis, and workup. The reader is asked to guess the patient’s diagnosis through a multiple-choice quiz of three to four items with other possible answers; rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers.
Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP)
TRIP articles are approximately 1500–2000 words (5–7 journal pages). The TRIP feature focuses on a critical appraisal of research methodology or novel research findings for the oncology AP. For this feature, recently published research is used as the backdrop for educating APs in the different aspects of research design, implementation, statistical analysis, and relevance to practice. One or more research studies are utilized to describe a specific research-related topic (e.g., meta-analyses, confounding variables, confidence level, cross-over design, power), while illustrating how to interpret data generated using specific designs or methods, including implications for practice. Application to the interpretation of studies that serve to guide adoption of therapies or interventions is suggested.
Readers are encouraged to share their thoughts on issues relevant to the AP community. Editorials should be sent to
Errata are brief corrections to published articles. They may correct scientific errors that result in misunderstandings but do not change the conclusions of the article, errors of omission (such as author names or references), or errors in the writing or publication process. They are subject to editorial approval. Please submit erratum requests, along with a description of the error, the correctoin, and the link of the original article, to
Informed Consent
Identifying information (patients’ images, names, initials, or hospital numbers) must not be included in written descriptions or on images. Such information is only permitted if it is necessary for scientific purposes and written informed consent from the patient has been secured (for publication in both print and electronic form). Written consents must be provided to the editorial office. If such consent has not been obtained, personal details of patients included in any part of the paper and in any supplementary materials (including all illustrations and videos) must be removed before submission.
Resources for Authors
Below are additional resources for authors:
- Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology (APSHO) Resource Center
- Quality Improvement Projects and Clinical Research Studies
- Scholarly Writing: Your Professional Legacy
- Steps to Writing and Publication
- Plagiarism’s Poison: Avoiding Scientific Misconduct
- Establishing an Individual Writing Practice
Contact Us
Please email if you have any questions during the submission process.